Source code for pyBADA.configuration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Common configuration module

import os
import importlib.resources
import pandas as pd

[docs] @staticmethod def list_subfolders(folderPath): """ Lists all subfolders within a specified directory. :param folderPath: Path to the directory where subfolders are to be listed. :type folderPath: str :returns: A list of subfolder names within the specified directory. :rtype: list of str This function retrieves all entries in the given directory and filters out the ones that are not directories. Only the names of the subfolders are returned. """ # List all entries in the directory entries = os.listdir(folderPath) # Filter out entries that are directories subfolders = [ entry for entry in entries if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folderPath, entry)) ] return subfolders
[docs] @staticmethod def safe_get(df, column_name, default_value=None): """ Safely retrieves a column's value from a DataFrame, returning a default value if the column does not exist or if the value is NaN. :param df: DataFrame to retrieve the value from. :param column_name: Name of the column to retrieve. :param default_value: Value to return if the column does not exist. Default is None. :type df: pd.DataFrame :type column_name: str :type default_value: any :returns: The value from the specified column or the default value if the column is missing. :rtype: any """ if column_name in df.columns: value = df[column_name].iloc[0] if isinstance(value, list): if pd.isna(value).all(): return default_value else: return value else: if pd.isna(value): return default_value else: return value else: return default_value
[docs] def getVersionsList(badaFamily): """Retrieve a list of available BADA versions for a given BADA family. This function scans the directory corresponding to the specified BADA family and returns a list of all subdirectories (which represent different versions of BADA). :param badaFamily: The BADA family (e.g., BADA3, BADA4) for which versions are being retrieved. :type badaFamily: str. :returns: List of available BADA versions. :rtype: list of str. """ # list file and directories path = getBadaFamilyPath(badaFamily) items = os.listdir(path) versionsList = [] for item in items: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, item)): versionsList.append(item) return versionsList
[docs] def getAircraftList(badaFamily, badaVersion): """Retrieve a list of available aircraft for a given BADA family and version. This function checks if the specified BADA family and version directory exists, and if so, determines whether the aircraft data is stored in XML format or as standard ASCII files (like OPF, APF, PTD, or PTF). It then returns a list of available aircraft. :param badaFamily: The BADA family (e.g., BADA3, BADA4) for which aircraft are being retrieved. :param badaVersion: The specific version of the BADA family (e.g., 3.10, 4.2). :type badaFamily: str. :type badaVersion: str. :returns: List of available aircraft names. :rtype: list of str. """ path = getBadaVersionPath(badaFamily, badaVersion) if not os.path.exists(path): return [] else: items = os.listdir(path) # check if I have BADA3 xml or standard ACSII files xml = True for item in items: if "OPF" in item: xml = False break if ( badaFamily == "BADA4" or badaFamily == "BADAH" or badaFamily == "BADAE" or xml ): aircraftList = [] for item in items: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, item)): aircraftList.append(item) elif badaFamily == "BADA3": aircraftList = [] for item in items: if len(item.split(".")) == 2: if item.split(".")[0].rstrip("_") not in aircraftList and ( item.split(".")[1] == "PTD" or item.split(".")[1] == "PTF" or item.split(".")[1] == "OPF" or item.split(".")[1] == "APF" ): aircraftList.append(item.split(".")[0].rstrip("_")) return aircraftList
[docs] def getBadaFamilyPath(badaFamily): """Get the full path to the specified BADA family directory. :param badaFamily: The BADA family (e.g., BADA3, BADA4) for which the path is required. :type badaFamily: str. :returns: The path to the BADA family directory. :rtype: str. """ path = os.path.join(getAircraftPath(), badaFamily) return path
[docs] def getBadaVersionPath(badaFamily, badaVersion): """Get the full path to the specified BADA version directory. :param badaFamily: The BADA family (e.g., BADA3, BADA4) for which the path is required. :param badaVersion: The specific version of the BADA family. :type badaFamily: str. :type badaVersion: str. :returns: The path to the BADA version directory. :rtype: str. """ path = os.path.join(getAircraftPath(), badaFamily, badaVersion) return path
[docs] def getAircraftPath(): """Get the path to the 'aircraft' resource directory. This function locates the 'aircraft' directory within the pyBADA package and returns its absolute path. :returns: The absolute path to the 'aircraft' resource directory. :rtype: str. """ package_name = "pyBADA" resource_name = "aircraft" # Get the path to the 'aircraft' resource directory with importlib.resources.as_file( importlib.resources.files(package_name) / resource_name ) as resource_path: return str(resource_path)
[docs] def getDataPath(): """Get the path to the 'data' resource directory. This function locates the 'data' directory within the pyBADA package and returns its absolute path. :returns: The absolute path to the 'data' resource directory. :rtype: str. """ package_name = "pyBADA" resource_name = "data" # Get the path to the 'data' resource directory with importlib.resources.as_file( importlib.resources.files(package_name) / resource_name ) as resource_path: return str(resource_path)